Intimacy After Sexual Trauma

Woman and man with their eyes closed

If you are a survivor of sexual trauma, you have likely felt its impact in your closest relationships. Experiences of powerlessness and violation leave enduring marks on our minds and bodies, making it difficult for us to get close, trust others, attune to our bodies’ messages, experience embodied sexual pleasure, and know/communicate our boundaries. Whether you are coming in as an individual or with your partner, the therapists at PCT are ready to help you have the connection with yourself and others that healing makes possible. We are trauma-informed professionals with experience helping individuals across backgrounds, experiences, and identities to find safety, delight, and intimacy in connection with others.

As psychiatrist, trauma researcher, and author Bessel van der Kolk writes, “Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.” We are proud to be your safe harbor as you heal and work toward your goals.

PCT clinicians who specialize in this area