Friendship Therapy

Two women smiling together

Friendship is one of the most central roles you will experience in your life. When they are thriving, friendships fulfill and nourish us, meeting some of our most fundamental needs for belonging and connection. However, in part because our society has long since upheld the romantic and sexual relationship as the pinnacle of intimacy, we may find ourselves without the tools for tending to these relationships in an ongoing and loving way. Without a roadmap for repairing ruptures to friendships, we may be left with disconnection, conflict, inequity, and lack of trust.

At PCT, we believe platonic intimacy is vital to our well-being and deserves as much time, intention, and nurturance as traditional romantic bonds. In friendship therapy, our clinicians provide a safe and private space of non-judgement for you to process the origins of any ongoing or unresolved conflicts and help you leverage your strengths to find consensus, repair, and trust. We’ll explore new perspectives and old hurts in pursuit of a deep and lasting connection where both members can hear and be heard.

PCT clinicians who specialize in this area