Dr. David Albert

Dr. David Albert

It is both inspiring and humbling to be with my clients as they challenge themselves to move toward their goals of fulfillment as individuals and couples.

David is a clinician who sees the beauty and personal growth that can emerge from being in a lasting and committed relationship. He specializes in working with couples who have made a commitment to each other across the lifespan, from premarital couples to those who have shared their lives together for decades. David reveres the challenges inherent in such relationships, where each person is asked to see life through the eyes and mind of another person, and where each person is being asked to respond to the stated and often unstated demands and expectations of their partner. He knows that clients who are committed to each other have the potential to change how they relate and to transform their relationship and themselves in unexpected and positive ways. David finds it rewarding to help couples discover ways of being in which they feel safer and more deeply connected with each other.

David’s approach to therapy is relational and experiential. He is especially skilled at helping clients to use their imagination to gain new perspectives on problem areas in which they feel stuck. He believes that opening one’s mind and “thinking outside the box” in this way can lead to new insights and enduring change, especially when it comes to improving communication difficulties and developing more productive ways of resolving conflicts. David respectfully challenges clients to explore deeper thoughts and feelings that are at the root of their conflicts and distress. He appreciates the value of educating clients on healthy ways of communicating and the nature of relationships, and does so as needed.

Overall, David views the experience of therapy itself as a valuable ingredient in developing new and better ways of relating. His work as a therapist is informed in part by the perspective gained from his cross-cultural experiences living and working for several years in China and learning to speak and read Mandarin Chinese. David’s immersion in Chinese culture provided him with a deep appreciation for the subtle and often imperceptible ways in which our surroundings can influence what we find important in relationships and life.This experience also contributes to David’s interest in and enjoyment working with multicultural and multiracial couples.

Those who work with David can feel his warmth, curiosity, and respect while he listens intently to each individual’s story. He facilitates the vulnerable work of therapy with a non-judgmental and calming approach.

I live by the philosophy that
learning is a lifelong process and one of life’s greatest joys.
I could spend every day
talking with family and friends, playing tennis, cooking, reading or listening to anything interesting.
As a therapist, I
believe in the inherent ability of individuals to grow and change in positive ways at any time of life.


  • Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Widener University
  • M.A., Clinical Psychology; Widener University (APA-Accredited)
  • J.D., University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
  • B.C.B., Board Certification in Biofeedback


  • American Psychological Association
  • Pennsylvania Psychological Association
  • Philadelphia Psychology Network


Supervised by Anna Nicholaides, Psy.D.