Group Therapy

Many hands make light work

PCT runs process groups because we believe in the inherent power of the group. Once a group gets to know one another well enough it can be one of the most powerful agents of personal and social change, a safe space to get to know yourself in the context of others, to delve into what makes you different and how you are similar, and to process your deepest social fears without fear of unrepaired rupture.

We are proud to be able to offer groups and watch people grow exponentially in their insight and feeling of overall health.

Future groups coming soon!

What is Group Therapy?

People seek psychotherapy for several different reasons. Many come because they tend to have problems establishing and maintaining consistently gratifying relationships with others. Often, clients wish to better understand relationships and to be honest about their positive and negative feelings with someone. In return, they would like honest, authentic feedback. Group therapy provides a space in which this type of interpersonal exploration can occur. Research shows that group therapy can help people make significant improvements in their relationships and, thus, the quality of their lives. Group therapy also helps to address feelings of isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.

Why does group therapy work?

  1. When people come into a group and interact freely with other group members, they usually recreate those difficult relationship dynamics that brought them to group therapy in the first place. With the guidance of your group therapist(s), the group is able to give support, offer alternatives, or gently challenge other group members in such a way that can help resolve the difficulty and learn different, more effective, behaviors.

  2. The group allows a person to develop new ways of relating and connecting to people.

  3. During group therapy, people begin to see that they are not alone and can be helped. Often, people feel that their problems are unique and unfixable. Learning that others share similar difficulties can be encouraging and allows people who have already worked through a problem to offer alternative solutions and comforts to those struggling with complicated situations.

  4. Within the group climate of trust, people feel free to care about and help each other. As a group grows, they also begin to build a network of support and belonging to help one another navigate many life challenges.

  5. Learning how to listen to others and yourself within the group builds long-lasting and efficacious ways of increasing insight and empathy in your relationships.

Why should I share my therapy space?

Most often, when people think about being in therapy they picture a one-on-one interaction with a therapist. As such, this leads some to feel ambivalent about being in a group as they might be worried about sharing space and not getting enough one-on-one time with the therapist. While you are indeed sharing time with other group members, for many clients, the benefits of group therapy might actually outweigh those provided by individual therapy. For example, we seek an honest reaction from a therapist when speaking about our problems; in group therapy, however, you will receive that from not only the group therapist but also other members who can give multiple perspectives and answers to a single issue. Further, we largely seek out individual therapy to learn how to better understand and relate to ourselves and others. In group therapy, you will be provided with a network of motivated members who can act as accountability partners while supporting and challenging you through this process. Ultimately, engaging in group therapy can provide a space to work out emotional issues with others in a safe, trusting environment so that you can transfer these skills to the other domains in your life.

What happens during a group therapy session?

Group therapy sessions are generally unstructured; however, it is not uncommon for sessions to center around a couple of themes. Members are invited to share about their weekly lives and explore their own histories of why they are in group therapy. Being a part of group, you will likely experience a variety of thoughts and feelings both while listening to others and sharing your own experiences. You can make group a worthwhile experience by sharing your honest reactions with other group members. It may seem frightening, but the ability to give others honest, direct, and authentic reactions is a valuable skill in relationships and increases feelings of connection with others. This also helps others learn about how they might be perceived in the real world outside of therapy. Sharing your thoughts and feelings about being in the group provides a “here-and-now” experience; moving into the here-and-now is a skill that you can learn and is a major focus of the group. Ultimately, this will help you to be present in your relationships and provide continued success when difficult situations arise.

Contact us to register or get more information.