Elisabeth Wester

Elisabeth Wester

Intake Coordinator & Practice Manager

Elisabeth Wester is Philadelphia Couples Therapy’s Intake Coordinator. When you call, email, other otherwise contact us, Elisabeth will be the person on the other end to help you connect with a PCT clinician. Elisabeth is the embodiment of warmth and congeniality, and has a way of making those who come through our “door” feel comfortable and understood. If you even have an inkling that therapy might be right for you, Elisabeth can talk you through it.

Ultimately, if you decide to move forward with therapy at PCT, Elisabeth is expert at fitting clients with the ideal clinician. She will walk you through every step of your intake preparation and make sure your questions are answered. Before your first meeting with your clinician, Elisabeth will be your touch-person.

And no matter what you decide about therapy after speaking with Elisabeth, you will undoubtedly have a sense of being seen and heard.